Story About Green World

An article by team HOOLOCK in National Summit 2010
Once upon a time, there was a small family in a small village. That family consists of  mother, father ,a son and a daughter. The parents worked in a bricks production. They could not earn enough income for the family. The father thought of cutting the trees around to earn some money, as they lived in a forest area.
Their children were young and studied in school. Every day the  father cut trees , sold them and earned a lot of money. They got sufficient income for the family. So, everyone in the village followed the same activity of cutting trees.
After 9 Years….
The children grew up to be successful engineer and teacher well settled in the city. After the passage of time he (the father) became a grandfather.
After further 5 years…
The grandson started going to school. One day his teacher was teaching him  about trees in the class, which he could not understand.
He went to his father and asked him about the trees. The father recollected that he had a photograph of his village full of trees, which he showed it to his grandson. But the son was not satisfied with the answer, so he went to his grandfather. The grandfather who had cut all the surrounding trees in his village searched for a tree which he could show his grandson. But he could not find one. This put him into thinking process that what he did with the trees.
The same night the grandson dreamt about a tree. The tree wanting an explanation  for it being cut down. It explained to the grandfather:
I give you water in the form of rains
I give u fruits, vegetables for your food
I provide you with shade
I prevent pollution
I provide with oxygen
I save you from natural disasters
And many more uses that you cant leave without.
But still you cut me….. WHY?

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